Monthly Meetings
Nature Nanaimo hosts public meetings eight times per year on the third Thursday of the month at 7 pm. There are no monthly meetings during the summer months of June, July and August nor during the month of December. A typical meeting starts with announcements, followed by a “Nature Nugget”. Following the Nugget, the invited speaker is introduced. The presentation lasts for about 45 minutes with an opportunity at the end to ask questions of the presenter. Topics of presentations may cover just about anything that relates to nature, e.g., a focus on a taxonomic group, conservation. Zoom has become a popular way to attend the meetings and the Zoom link is sent to members a few days before the presentation.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM is held once a year in November, and is required by the Societies Act. The agenda at the AGM consists of a report by the President on the activities of the past year, approval of the Financial Reports and budget for the new year, and Elections to the Board to fill open positions.
Club Outings
These outings are restricted to members, and are planned trips to areas of interest. Examples to date are a trip to Botanical Beach, a mushroom walk with Andy MacKinnon at Morrell Nature Sanctuary, and a Fossil trip to Northwest bay. Guests, e.g., visitors to Nanaimo, may pay a $2 day-membership to participate, but may only do this twice, after which they must become members to participate.
Nature Rambles
Nature Rambles are short (~90 minutes), informal walks at local venues of interest, followed by a joint lunch at a pre-determined establishment.
Other Club Activities
These are ad hoc opportunities that fit with our mandate. Examples are helping Broom Busters remove Scotch Broom, participating in Shore Clean-ups, participating in various Citizen Science activities etc. We welcome suggestions for such activities.
Club Socials
The group has two social events in the year: an annual picnic in June and a Christmas social in December. We intend to make these annual events to facilitate personal connections among our members.
Club Projects
Projects are specific activities with a long- or short-term objective. Examples are the building of Purple Martin nest boxes in support of conservation work by the Georgia Basin Ecological Assessment and Restoration Society, and taking over responsibilities of the Friends of Buttertubs, a group that has assisted in the management of the Buttertubs Marsh for many years. We hope to increase these types of activities as we grow and gain experience.