Please join us for a presentation from biologist Tania Tripp of Madrone Environmental Services Ltd. entitled: Western Screech-Owl – Monitoring and Habitat Enhancement Efforts in Coastal B.C.
Tania has conducted research on the Western Screech-Owl for 20+ years. She completed her M.Sc. thesis on the bioacoustics of this species of owl in 2003 and continues to study their vocal behaviours.
She has worked with many naturalist and not-for-profit groups to initiate screech-owl monitoring programs. Her focus in recent years has been on habitat restoration and enhancement of habitat for the Western Screech-Owl through nest box programs. Some of the groups she has worked with include the Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT) in Victoria, Thetis Island Nature Conservancy (ThINK), Campbell River Fish and Game via funding through the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP) and MOSAIC, and the Fraser Valley Naturalists.
Tania’s presentation will highlight findings from recent surveys for Western Screech-Owls. The quest for owls has largely been volunteer-based and focused on using audio recording units and specialized software to determine the presence of Western Screech-Owls in habitats on the south coast. Her talk will provide information on the nest box projects she has assisted with in recent years, as well as information on upcoming nest box installations in the Campbell River Watershed via FWCP and MOSAIC funding to help this threatened owl. Her presentation will be approximately 45min to an hour with additional time for questions.