July 3 2023 Low Tide Ramble – Cedar

About 20 Nature Nanaimo members took advantage of a very low tide on July 3, 2023 for a “ramble” at Cedar Boat ramp. We had great weather with sun and warmth moderated by a lovely breeze. As usual we found a variety of organisms. Highlights were a Plain Midshipman male guarding a clutch of eggs near release of the fry, an unusual number of Mottled Sea stars, a Northern Clingfish, some Mossy Chitons, a Stiff-footed Sea Cucumber (and many Orange and California Sea Cucumbers) and the usual eel-like fish (High Cockscomb and perhaps some gunnels) along with some anemones and tunicates (Shiny Red Sea Squirt and Chain Tunicates).

After the ramble, about 10 of us headed to the Wheatsheaf Pub in Cedar for lively conversations and good food.


Submitted by Staffan


High Cockscomb

Mottled Sea Star in Shell

Doug Fraser talking about organisms we found.

Photo Chris Streiter

Two chitons in the top right corner, likely mossy chiton. Middle lower third is a wonderful light brown/orangish “northern clingfish” – they have a very large “sucker” on the bottom to do as their name suggests. On the right side is the “S” shaped fish – may be a mosshead warbonnet (how’s THAT for a name lol). The very glossy large brown blob attached to the rock in the middle left appears to be a giant plumose anemone. Identifications by Doug Fraser.

A male Plainfin midshipman.  Plainfin midshipman eggs hatched with yolk sacs attached. Photos Doug Fraser.

Rose anemone Photo Doug Fraser