Just a reminder that our next fabulous meeting is just a week away – Thursday October 17th.
Nature Nanaimo presents:
Killer Whales of the Coast
This interactive presentation, by Maureen Vo, provides an in-depth look at the history and rich culture, language, and ecotypes of the iconic killer whales of the Pacific Northwest. In addition, the current challenges and conservation efforts will be highlighted with discussions on recent news stories. Maureen will also discuss what we can do to help these amazing animals.
Maureen is the Executive Director of the Ripple Coast Society – a non-profit organization helping people understand and connect with the habitats and wildlife of British Columbia’s treasured coastline. They provide hands-on educational programs and experiences with the ecosystems and wildlife of coastal British Columbia to help create lifelong respect and appreciation of nature.
Maureen holds a Master’s degree in Marine Biology and computer engineering and over 7 years in hands-on science and nature education. Growing up in BC has allowed her to fully embrace the rich history, culture and diversity of life embedded in the land, waters and wildlife.